Monday, 7 October 2013

Jual KITKAT Passion Fruit (Import Japan)

KITKAT Passion Fruit
Isi mini 12 pcs   
Beli 1 Bag = Rp. 120.000,- 
Harga Promo:
Beli 2 Bag = Rp. 230.000,-

Jual KITKAT Dark Chocolate (Import Japan)

KITKAT Dark Chocolate  
Isi mini 13 pcs   
Beli 1 Bag = Rp. 110.000,- 
Harga Promo:
Beli 2 Bag = Rp. 210.000,-
KITKAT Dark Chocolate Box
Isi 3 pack @2 bar

Beli 1 Box = Rp. 42.000,-   
Harga Promo:
Beli 2 Box = Rp. 80.000,-

Jual KITKAT Pumpkin Pudding *Halloween Limited Edition* (Import Japan)

KITKAT Pumpkin Pudding *Halloween Limited Edition*
Isi mini 13 pcs
Beli 1 bag = Rp. 120.000,- 
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 bag= Rp. 230.000,-

Jual HANUTA Chocolate Wafer

HANUTA Chocolate Box
Berat 220g 
Beli 1 box = Rp. 100.000,- 
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 box = Rp. 190.000,-
 HANUTA Minis isi 18pcs
Berat 200g 
Beli 1 bag = Rp. 125.000,- 
Harga Promo:
 Beli 2 bag = Rp. 235.000,-

Jual OVOMALTINE Crunchy Cream

Berat 400g
selai dan chrunchnya bener-bener bikin kalian ketagihan!! :D
Beli 1 Jar = Rp. 152.000,-

Jual DAISO Charcoal Mask

Daiso Charcoal Mask
Berat 80g
Beli 1 = Rp. 42.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 3 = Rp. 118.000,-

- Charcoal Mask ini berasal dari bahan-bahan alami
- Dapat menghilangkan minyak di wajah
- Membersihkan dan menanggalkan segala kotoran dan sel kulit mati
- Mengangkat komedo serta mengecilkan pori-pori
- Membuat wajah menjadi bersih dan mencerahkan kulit muka
- Sesuai utk semua jenis kulit termasuk kulit sensitif

Cara Menggunakan:
1. Cuci muka terlebih dahulu seperti biasa
2. Uapkan muka dengan air panas untuk membuka pori-pori kurang lebih 5 menit (supaya hasil lebih maksimal)
3. Usapkan masker di muka, terutama bagian yg diinginkan seperti hidung atau di kawasan yg byk blackhead & whitehead (Hindari daerah sekitar  mata, alis dan bibir)
4. Biarkan selama kurang lebih 20-25 menit hingga masker terasa kering
5. Lepas masker perlahan dari bawah ke arah atas muka. Anda dapat melihat blackhead & whitehead melekat di masker
6. Bersihkan wajah dengan air dingin agar pori-pori tertutup dengan sempurna
- Gunakan maksimal 2x dalam seminggu
- Untuk kulit sensitif, pakai facial essence sebelum menggunakan dan cabut masker yang telah mengering perlahan dari atas ke bawah

Jual Ice Cube Tray Unik

Ice Cube Tray 
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 35.000,- 
Harga Promo: 
Beli 3 Set = Rp. 95.000,-
- digunakan untuk mencetak es batu ataupun jelly dan agar-agar dengan bentuk yang lucu dan menarik
product dimensions: 
Length: 18 cm
Width: 18 cm
Height: 2.5 cm

product description & measurements: 
BPA (Bisphenol-A) Free, Synthetic rubber

Jual Hanging Storage dengan 6 Ruang Penyimpanan

Hanging Storage dengan 6 Ruang Penyimpanan
(Pink, Blue, Green)
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 110.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Set = Rp. 210.000,-
- Cocok untuk digunakan dalam ruangan, kamar tidur ataupun kamar mandi
- Mudah untuk melihat apa yang tersimpan didalamnya melalui jaring-jaring
- Membuat kamar ataupun ruangan terlihat lebih menarik

Product dimensions:
Length: 168 cm
Diameter: 29 cm

Jual Mainan Anak Shape Sorter

Shape Sorter

Beli 1 Set = Rp. 150.000,-

Harga Promo: 

Beli 2 Set = Rp. 290.000,-

Mainan shape sorter ini dapat membantu anak mengembangkan keterampilan motorik halus serta koordinasi tangan dan mata anak

Product Dimensions:
Width: 16 cm
Height: 12 cm
Length: 16 cm
Weight: 0.7 kg

Jual HARIBO GoldBears Gummy Candy

  HARIBO GoldBears Gummy Candy 175g Bag
Haribo adalah Gummy Candy berbentuk beruang yang berasal dari Jerman
Beli 1 Bag = Rp. 42.000,-   
Harga Promo:  
Beli 2 Bag = Rp. 80.000,-

Jual Milky Way Minis Chocolate

Milky Way Minis 400g Bag
Beli 1 Bag = Rp. 90.000,- 
Harga Promo: 
 Beli 2 Bag = Rp. 170.000,-


 JELLY BELLY 20 Assorted Flavours 150g
Beli 1 Box = Rp. 80.000,-
Harga Promo: 
 Beli 2 Box = Rp. 150.000,-
(bisa campur dengan Jelly Belly Tropical Mix)

product description:
The flavours in this box are: 

Blueberry, Bubble Gum, Buttered Popcorn, Coconut, Cotton Candy, Green Apple, Juicy Pear, Lemon Lime, Liquorice, Orange Sherbet, Peach, Pina Colada, Sizzling Cinnamon, Strawberry Cheesecake, Lemon, Tangerine, Toasted Marshmallow, Tutti-Frutti, Very
Cherry and Watermelon

JELLY BELLY Tropical Mix 150g
Beli 1 Box = Rp. 80.000,-
Harga Promo: 
 Beli 2 Box = Rp. 150.000,-
(bisa campur dengan Jelly Belly Assorted Flavours)
product description:
The flavours in this box are:
Berry Blue, Cantaloupe, Coconut, Pineapple, Green Apple, Island Punch, Kiwi, Lemon Lime, Mango, Peach, Pina Colada, Strawberry Daiquiri, Lemon, Pink Grapefruit, Tangerine, Top Banana

Jual Toy Hammering Block (Mainan Palu Balok)

Toy Hammering Block
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 180.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Set = Rp. 350.000,-

Mainan palu balok ini dapat membantu anak mengembangkan keterampilan motorik halus serta koordinasi tangan dan mata anak

Product Dimensions:
Length: 24 cm
Width: 10 cm
Height: 14 cm

Jual Whittaker's New Zealand Chocolate


Whittaker's 12pcs Mini Size 180g Bag
(Almond Gold, Berry&Biscuit, Hokey Pokey, Dark Peppermint)
Beli 1 Bag = Rp. 85.000,- 
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Bag = Rp. 160.000,-

 Whittaker's Almond Gold Value Pack 3pcs, 35g
Beli 1 Pack = Rp. 65.000,-

Jual KAGI Mini Premium Swiss Chocolate Wafer

KAGI Mini Premium Swiss Chocolate Wafer 125g Bag
(original, Rum, Dark)
Beli 1 Bag = Rp. 75.000,- 
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Bag = Rp. 140.000,-

Jual HERSHEY'S Chocolate Bar

HERSHEY'S 40g Chocolate Bar
(Cookies n Creme,  Milk, Almonds)
Beli 1 Bar = Rp. 20.000,-

Jual Cadbury Dairy Milk BUBBLY

Cadbury Dairy Milk BUBBLY 155g Bar
(Chocolate, Mint, White)
Beli 1 Bar = Rp. 70.000,- 
Harga Promo: 
 Beli 3 Bar = Rp. 200.000,-


Beli 1 = Rp. 40.000,-
Harga Promo:

Beli 3 = Rp. 115.000,-

Jual DAIM Swedish Chocolate

DAIM 300g Bag
Beli 1 Bag = Rp. 100.000,-

Harga Promo: 
Beli 3 Bag = Rp. 270.000,-

Jual Cadbury PICNIC

Cadbury PICNIC 46g Bar
Beli 1 Bar = Rp. 20.000,-

Harga Promo: 
Beli 5 Bar = Rp. 90.000,-

Jual KITKAT Green Tea (Import Japan)

KITKAT Green Tea Mini 12s
(Mini Otona No Amasa Maccha)
Beli 1 Bag = Rp. 100.000,-

product description:
1 Bag Isi 12 Pack @ 2 Bar Mini

KITKAT Big Little Green Tea
(Big Little Otona No Amasa Maccha)
Beli 1 Pack = Rp. 35.000,-

Harga Promo: 
Beli 3 Pack = Rp. 95.000,-

product description:
1 Pack: 36.1 gr

Jual IKEA Finger Puppet

Finger Puppet, Assorted Colours
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 130.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Set = Rp. 250.000,-

- One size, suitable for both small and large fingers.
- Comprises: 10 different dolls - one for each finger.
- Recommended for ages from 3 years.

product description & measurements:
Fabric: 100% polyester
Filling: Polyester fibres

Jual IKEA MATA (Baby's eating set)

4 piece eating set, Green
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 70.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Set = Rp. 130.000,-

- Suction ring keeps the bowl in place.
- The lid is formed with room for a child's nose so it is comfortable to drink from, without leaning the head back.
- Bib with adjustable neck opening and generous pocket to catch up spills.

product description & measurements:
BPA (Bisphenol-A) Free, recommended for ages from 0 year
Bib: Polyethylene plastic
Bowl/ Mug/ Lid/ Spoon: Polypropylene plastic

Jual IKEA JAMKA (Food Container)

Set of 4 Pieces
(Transparent White, Blue)
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 100.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Set = Rp. 180.000,-

1 set isi 4 pcs terdiri dari:
1 Pc Volume 0,3 Liter
1 Pc Volume 0,5 Liter
  1 pcs size 20 x 14 x 4 cm
  1 pcs size 20 x 14 x 6 cm

care instructions:
Lid is not suitable for use in microwave.
Microwave-safe; heat food up to 100°C.

product description & measurements:
BPA (Bisphenol-A) Free, Polypropylene plastic

Jual IKEA REDA (Food Container)

Set of 5 Pieces
(Round Transparent White, Blue)
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 75.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Set = Rp. 130.000,-

1 set isi 5 pcs terdiri dari:
1 Pc Volume 0,2 Liter
1 Pc Volume 0,4 Liter
  1 Pc Volume 0,7 Liter  
 1 Pc Volume 1,0 Liter 
1 Pc Volume 1,4 Liter

care instructions:
Lid is not suitable for use in microwave.
Microwave-safe; heat food up to 100°C.

product description & measurements:
BPA (Bisphenol-A) Free, Polyethylene plastic, Polypropylene plastic

Jual IKEA PRUTA (Food Container)

Set of 17 Pieces
(Transparent, Green)
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 110.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 2 Set = Rp. 200.000,-

17 pcs Food Container, terdiri dari:
- 2 pcs size 14 x 14 x 16 cm
- 2 pcs size 12 x 12 x 14 cm
- 2 pcs size 23 x 16 x 8 cm
- 2 pcs size 14 x 14 x 6 cm
- 2 pcs size 12 x 12 x 4 cm
- 3 pcs size 12 x 8 x 4 cm
- 4 pcs size 9 x 9 x 4 cm  

care instructions:

Microwave-safe; heat food up to 100°C.
Leave lid ajar while heating to release steam.

product description & measurements:
BPA (Bisphenol-A) Free, Polypropylene plastic 

Jual IKEA BEVARA (Sealing Clip)

Set of 10 Pieces
(Sealing clip, set of 10, assorted colours)
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 40.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 3 Set = Rp. 100.000,-

- Sizes: 10 pcs 11 cm long.
- Freezer-safe.
- Dishwasher-safe.

product description & measurements:
Polypropylene plastic

Set of 30 Pieces
(Sealing clip, set of 30, assorted colours, assorted sizes)
Beli 1 Set = Rp. 75.000,-
Harga Promo: 
Beli 3 Set = Rp. 200.000,-

- Sizes: 20 pcs 6 cm long and 10 pcs 11 cm long.

- Freezer-safe.
- Dishwasher-safe.

product description & measurements:
Polypropylene plastic